398 research outputs found

    Estimating causal networks in biosphere–atmosphere interaction with the PCMCI approach

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    Local meteorological conditions and biospheric activity are tightly coupled. Understanding these links is an essential prerequisite for predicting the Earth system under climate change conditions. However, many empirical studies on the interaction between the biosphere and the atmosphere are based on correlative approaches that are not able to deduce causal paths, and only very few studies apply causal discovery methods. Here, we use a recently proposed causal graph discovery algorithm, which aims to reconstruct the causal dependency structure underlying a set of time series. We explore the potential of this method to infer temporal dependencies in biosphere-atmosphere interactions. Specifically we address the following questions: How do periodicity and heteroscedasticity influence causal detection rates, i.e. the detection of existing and non-existing links? How consistent are results for noise-contaminated data? Do results exhibit an increased information content that justifies the use of this causal-inference method? We explore the first question using artificial time series with well known dependencies that mimic real-world biosphere-atmosphere interactions. The two remaining questions are addressed jointly in two case studies utilizing observational data. Firstly, we analyse three replicated eddy covariance datasets from a Mediterranean ecosystem at half hourly time resolution allowing us to understand the impact of measurement uncertainties. Secondly, we analyse global NDVI time series (GIMMS 3g) along with gridded climate data to study large-scale climatic drivers of vegetation greenness. Overall, the results confirm the capacity of the causal discovery method to extract time-lagged linear dependencies under realistic settings. The violation of the method's assumptions increases the likelihood to detect false links. Nevertheless, we consistently identify interaction patterns in observational data. Our findings suggest that estimating a directed biosphere-atmosphere network at the ecosystem level can offer novel possibilities to unravel complex multi-directional interactions. Other than classical correlative approaches, our findings are constrained to a few meaningful set of relations which can be powerful insights for the evaluation of terrestrial ecosystem models

    On the potential of Sentinel-2 for estimating Gross Primary Production

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    Summarizing the state of the terrestrial biosphere in few dimensions

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    In times of global change, we must closely monitor the state of the planet in order to understand gradual or abrupt changes early on. In fact, each of the Earth's subsystems – i.e. the biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and cryosphere – can be analyzed from a multitude of data streams. However, since it is very hard to jointly interpret multiple monitoring data streams in parallel, one often aims for some summarizing indicator. Climate indices, for example, summarize the state of atmospheric circulation in a region. Although such approaches are also used in other fields of science, they are rarely used to describe land surface dynamics. Here, we propose a robust method to create indicators for the terrestrial biosphere using principal component analysis based on a high-dimensional set of relevant global data streams. The concept was tested using 12 explanatory variables representing the biophysical states of ecosystems and land-atmosphere water, energy, and carbon fluxes. We find that two indicators account for 73 % of the variance of the state of the biosphere in space and time. While the first indicator summarizes productivity patterns, the second indicator summarizes variables representing water and energy availability. Anomalies in the indicators clearly identify extreme events, such as the Amazon droughts (2005 and 2010) and the Russian heatwave (2010), they also allow us to interpret the impacts of these events. The indicators also reveal changes in the seasonal cycle, e.g. increasing seasonal amplitudes of productivity in agricultural areas and in arctic regions. We assume that this generic approach has great potential for the analysis of land-surface dynamics from observational or model data

    Upscaled diurnal cycles of land–atmosphere fluxes: a new global half-hourly data product

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    Interactions between the biosphere and the atmosphere can be well characterized by fluxes between the two. In particular, carbon and energy fluxes play a major role in understanding biogeochemical processes on an ecosystem level or global scale. However, the fluxes can only be measured at individual sites, e.g., by eddy covariance towers, and an upscaling of these local observations is required to analyze global patterns. Previous work focused on upscaling monthly, 8-day, or daily average values, and global maps for each flux have been provided accordingly. In this paper, we raise the upscaling of carbon and energy fluxes between land and atmosphere to the next level by increasing the temporal resolution to subdaily timescales. We provide continuous half-hourly fluxes for the period from 2001 to 2014 at 0.5° spatial resolution, which allows for analyzing diurnal cycles globally. The data set contains four fluxes: gross primary production (GPP), net ecosystem exchange (NEE), latent heat (LE), and sensible heat (H). We propose two prediction approaches for the diurnal cycles based on large-scale regression models and compare them in extensive cross-validation experiments using different sets of predictor variables. We analyze the results for a set of FLUXNET tower sites showing the suitability of our approaches for this upscaling task. Finally, we have selected one approach to calculate the global half-hourly data products based on predictor variables from remote sensing and meteorology at daily resolution as well as half-hourly potential radiation. In addition, we provide a derived product that only contains monthly average diurnal cycles, which is a lightweight version in terms of data storage that still allows studying the important characteristics of diurnal patterns globally. We recommend to primarily use these monthly average diurnal cycles, because they are less affected by the impacts of day-to-day variation, observation noise, and short-term fluctuations on subdaily timescales compared to the full half-hourly flux products. The global half-hourly data products are available at https://doi.org/10.17871/BACI.224.</p

    Where are global vegetation greening and browning trends significant?

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